The Journey Home

The Journey Home
Jesus is the Way Home


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Attic Treasure

Today while in my attic, I picked up a book that I didn’t remember having, and after reading several chapters, I think it was all a set up. The Lord always knows what we need and do I need the message of this book. Oh, I should tell you about the book. It was written by Samuel Chadwick and published in 1937, two years before I was born. Let me give you a paragraph written by Robert Lee Stewart, president of Taylor University.
“I have read many books on the deeper life, but I feel that THE WAY TO PENTECOST, has been the greatest blessing to my own soul of any book I have ever read in this field. Dr. Chadwick was a great soul. He was the cultured, evangelistic pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of Leeds, England, for seventeen years. At the time of his death, he was the head of Cliff College.”
The following is a paragraph worth thinking about:
“The sphere of the Spirit is the Living Temple of sanctified humanity. He dwells not in temples made with hands. The Temple at Jerusalem was a permitted mistake, as surely as the kingship of Israel. In the New Jerusalem there is no Temple. The Tabernacle was a type of heavenly realities…..God cares nothing for costly buildings, and everything for loving hearts. He seeks men. He wants men. He needs men. He dwells in men. Immanuel is the first word and the last of the Gospel of grace. He has staked His kingdom on men. He has trusted His Gospel to men. He has given His Spirit to men. The Church is on the stretch for new methods, new plans, new buildings, new organizations, but the “eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.” The Holy Ghost does not come upon methods, but upon men. He does not anoint machinery, but men. He does not work through organizations, but through men. He indwells the Body of Christ, directs its activities, distributes its forces, empowers its members.


  1. Strength to the weak, direction to the lost, joy to the broken-hearted, comfort to the hurting, power to the defeated.......
