The Journey Home

The Journey Home
Jesus is the Way Home


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sheep Food


There is a sign near my house that irritates me every time I see it.

It says, “Property of the State of Tennessee, Keep Out. I have always wanted to hang another sign under it which says, “Property of the People of Tennessee, WELCOME.” I don’t know why it bothers me so much, but it does. Our world is full of non inviting signs. KEEP OUT, PRIVITE PROPERTY, STAFF ONLY, NO TRESPASSING, AUTHORIZED PERSONEL ONLY. Not only do we have to deal with all the unwanted signs, but we have to deal with a thousand rules and regulations. At this point in my life I am ready to vote for a politician who runs on a platform of getting rid of rules. They try to tell us it is for the common good, but I know better, it is the few lording over the rest of us. This is all the reason it is easy for me to pray, “Your Kingdom Come.” In His kingdom we won’t need politicians or lawyers, and somehow I don’t think we will see any KEEP OUT signs. It will be the WELCOME sign every where you look. Just think of it, no locked doors, no jails, no garbage filled streets, no rusty chariots sitting in the yard. There will be no dumps, no stench, no dirty mattresses beside the road, no cans in the grass and no broken bottles, no limit on speed and no hurry ups, no filters on water fountains, no clean up campaigns and you will never see that single shoe beside the road again. There will be no lawn mowers or weed eaters, no starving stray dogs or unwanted cats.

It is my kind of place, and I don’t want to miss it. You are welcome to make it your home forever, but you must come through the Door and that Door is a person. Jesus is the door, and He always has the Welcome Mat out.

Joh 10:9 "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

2Pe 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

James Spruill

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jesus For Sale

These days one never knows what you will see and hear on Television. I could not help but smile when I heard the pitch on a religious station, “Baby Jesus for Sale.” You could pick your size, the larger the more it cost. There was a four inch Jesus, a six inch, an eight inch, a twelve inch and a whopping eighteen inch Jesus. They all came with a satin gown. I was thinking I would opt for the large Jesus, but I would guess many people will buy the small four inch Jesus. A four inch Jesus would not require much room, He could be stuck in a corner somewhere out of the way. The larger the Jesus the more space He requires, and a lot of people don’t have much room for Jesus. These days seems like most politicians want a small Jesus, even some preachers have opted for a smaller Jesus. They like one they can manage without much fuss. They prefer one who can be kept out of the mainstream, kept behind closed doors so He doesn’t interfere with everyday life.

On the second thought, I have decided I don’t want a Jesus who can be bought. I don’t need a Jesus who can be measured in inches, and I certainly don’t need a Jesus with a satin gown. I need a Jesus bigger than life, a Jesus who can walk on water, a Jesus who can walk and talk with a hurting heart. I need a Jesus big enough to offer hope for tomorrow. One I can’t control but who controls me. A Jesus who can forgive sin and a Jesus who loves me when others forsake me. Nope, a Jesus that can be bought is not worth buying. The truth is, He bought me with His own blood and He didn’t put me in the corner either, but holds me in the palm of His mighty hand. It is the truth, don’t waste your money on a four inch Jesus, or for that matter, an eighteen inch Jesus is too small for our need.

Ro 11:36 For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.