The Journey Home

The Journey Home
Jesus is the Way Home


Friday, June 28, 2013

His Hand

I look at the clock and it is twenty-three minutes after three a.m..  Tramp is lying by my bed and he has had a barking dream.  I drop my hand down and comfort him.  It is amazing what a pat on the head can do.  Tramp and I are both senior citizens now. Growing old together we have become best of friends.  His eyes are fading and his hearing is not what it once was. He stays closer than ever, often sleeping in the doorway so I can’t leave without him knowing.  I am not happy about this old age thing. Sometimes I think of old age as a time when life slowly takes away all it has given. I have feelings about it that I don’t have words for.  I guess it depends on which way we look, looking back life becomes about what was, looking ahead brings hope for the future--a time when we will get rid of all the worn out parts and broken dreams, a time of restoration  and best of all reunion. As long as we are together I will continue to offer my hand to Tramp.  He needs me and I will continue to comfort him as we make this one way journey.  I must confess, I am no thick skinned, mucho man. I cry easy, I rescue turtles and smell flowers, I bruise easily and I don’t carry a big stick.  I confess, I need my Fathers hand, without it I can’t cope with all the loss.  His hand comforts me when I am afraid.  Some of my friends deny their fear or they live in a place I have never found.  In my fears I look for the Hand which can penetrate the darkness at three twenty three a.m.  Like Tramp, I don’t want to be alone. I plan on staying close to Him. Jfs

Ps 139:5 You have hedged me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

God's House

God's house has arms and legs not steeples.  jfs

Eph 2:22 in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.