The Journey Home

The Journey Home
Jesus is the Way Home


Monday, May 31, 2010

"Take Me Home Son"

There are moments in all of our lives that become markers--moments burned in our minds and hearts that stay with us for a lifetime. One such moment happened to me a few years ago. My boys and I had flown to Canada to fish for a week. As you can imagine, the week went by too fast. The fishing was good and the time together will always be cherished. The flight home brought the moment I shall always remember.
The day we were leaving was gray with a drizzling rain and I dreaded the flight in IFR conditions. As an instrument rated pilot I had filed many flight plans, and as an experienced pilot I had done most of the flying, but my fishing had left me relaxed but tired. In that moment I pulled the key to the airplane from my pocket and handed it to my youngest son, John, and said, “Take me home son.” It was the first time I had ever crawled into the back seat of my own airplane and trusted myself to John. The truth was, he had a commercial rating and was well qualified. The challenge was, I was used to being in control and putting yourself in a place of dependence and trust is never easy. You can’t fly an airplane from the back seat. The lesson learned is that much of the Christian life must be lived in the back seat trusting our Lord to take us home. In our moments of weariness it is always wise to sit in the back seat. Maybe it is time you gave Jesus the key.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
Pr 3:5-6 (NKJV)


  1. What a precious reminder! I learned that lesson about two years ago, on our family's 'trip of a lifetime' to Israel. The voice spoke gently but clearly, "learn to enjoy the backseat". I have never forgotten those words of my Father's and I thank you Pastor, for repeating them here! So timely!
