The Journey Home

The Journey Home
Jesus is the Way Home


Friday, January 22, 2010

Truth or Opinion

As I took my daily walk this morning I could not stop thinking about Pat Robinson’s statement about Haiti and all the flack it has drawn. He has indeed found himself flying through a barrage of opinions both negative and positive. The following is an attempt to put into words some of the many thoughts I had as I walked. I start with the premise that we do not make Truth, nothing is true because I say it is true and nothing is false because I say it is false. A scholar does not make truth and a primitive native of the Amazon does not make truth. Truth stands on its own feet. One of the problems I have with scholarship is that it is so often the propitiation of bad ideas. I believe that is especially true of moral and ethical concepts. Opinions are not scholarship. We can’t make God who we want Him to be. He is Who He is, the “I AM.” There is certainly nothing wrong with trying to understand what is going on in our world, but we must keep our minds and hearts open or we will find ourselves pointing our fingers in the wrong direction. If we must point an accusing finger lets start by pointing it to the person in the mirror. jfs


  1. Amen... "Truth stands on its (His) own feet" and those (His) feet are nail-scared. Grateful.

  2. I wonder which is harder: Finding truth, or accepting that we may have already found it. Sometimes I worry that I am like the kid who keeps shaking the "magic 8 ball" until he gets the answer he wants. ;-)

  3. So many people search for truth but they can't see past their own reason or desires. The man in the mirror has to seek the Man that made the mirror and everything else to find Truth. God is absolute Truth even when I cannot comprehend. The world needs to stop blaming and start Believing. Truth will prevail!
