The Journey Home

The Journey Home
Jesus is the Way Home


Friday, July 4, 2014


What is it?  How do we attain it? How do we define it? What does it look like when we attain it?  Is it measured by position, wealth, prestige? These are all question we need to think about.  Success verses Failure that is the struggle we are all engaged in. We all know what a gage is; it is a measuring device and there are many different types of gages.  As Christians we must be careful what gage we use for success.  The world has its gages and they have a materialistic and temporal view. The scripture is the most important gage anyone can use.  It gages our character, our motives and measures us by the Character of Jesus. Success is not just about a single accomplishment but about our journey. Failure on a given day does not mean failure for the week. Success in business does not assure success at home and family.  I think the 15th chapter of John gives us the greatest gage for success.  It is the words of Jesus and they are powerful.

Let’s start with this, “without me you can do nothing” this says to me that success begins with dependence upon God.  What He ask us to do and be is beyond our ability it can only be accomplished as we walk in relationship with Him.  I will be so bold as to say this: all success from God’s point of view flows from relationship with Him.  Many of us think the key to success is to work harder, burn the candle at both ends they say.  Listening to Jesus suggest that maintaining relationship with His is the top priority. Is it possible for anyone to walk in intimate relationship with Christ and at the same time be a failure?  What looks like success to us may be failure to God and what looks like failure to the world may be success to God.  We often think that success is about the right method or program but these can become cheap substitutes for the failure of relationship with Christ. Listening to what Jesus says in John 15 our calling is not to produce fruit but to bear it.  There is a big difference which often is overlooked.  I was reading a modern translation of the Bible recently and the translator had substituted the word produce for bear.  I wrote under the word produce, bad translation.  Jesus teaching is clear.  The limb does not produce an apple, it bears it. The apple comes from a living connection with the life of the tree.  It is the life of the tree which produces. The limb bears because it is connected.  You can tie a plastic apple on a dead limb and call it fruit if you like but you are only pretending.  I will say it again, all authentic Christian ministry flows from relationship. The fruitfulness of our lives and of His Church is dependent upon connection with the Divine life flow of His Spirit.  The scripture speaks of the Christian life as, “the new and living way.”  All programs and plans which do not flow from His heart will never be called success by Him.  As my friend Kerry Willis would say, “relationship rules.”  jfs

1 comment:

  1. To know Jesus and to make Him known is the desire of my soul. Thanks James. kerry
