The Journey Home

The Journey Home
Jesus is the Way Home


Monday, July 9, 2012

Two Views

Yesterday I stood with Mary by the bedside of her dying sister.  The scene was not easy, the struggle for breath, the distorted face and the helpless feelings of the moment leaves an ugly memory.  This was the earthly view, the human view, the what you see, and hear view.  It is the earthly view that we are all too familiar with and it is not pretty.  There is another view seen only by faith and assured by His Word.  It is the spiritual view, the view God sees and it is as real as the one we see.  In the story of Steven, the first Christian martyr, there are two views. One as ugly as it gets, an innocent man being stoned to death, not something you could forget.  Read the story for yourself and you will see that there are two views, the earthly view and the Kingdom view, both real, one temporary the other eternal.  In the ugly situation of Steven he saw the other view.  He saw Jesus and Jesus saw him and for Steven the earthly view was nothing more than a “momentary trouble.”   We earthlings must always remember there are two scenes.  As Christians we are assured of life after death, guaranteed by the resurrection of Jesus.  The death scene does not have the final say.  Jesus said, “Because I live you shall live also.”  It is the resurrection scene that has the final word. 

As I write this, word has come that Rhoda has left us.  Life has pulled the curtain on the earthly scene but Heaven has opened the curtain on the eternal one.  Let us, “look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” jfs

1 comment:

  1. May the Lord comfort the family and especially Mary. Heaven awaits.
