The Journey Home

The Journey Home
Jesus is the Way Home


Saturday, August 21, 2010

In Trouble Hummer

Yesterday morning brought another backyard lesson. Mary found a hummingbird that could not fly. It was near death. I cradled it in my hands and took a closer look. It had a yellow jacket tangled in a wing. How it happened I have no idea, but with a gentle hand I removed the pest. I then fed her, she drank and drank. It reminds me of how many times I have been rescued by the loving hands of my heavenly Father. The small pests of our spiritual lives can entangle themselves in our hearts and sap our life away, but then the Father shows up and in His care we are made whole again. Keep us flying Lord! jfs


  1. AWESOME MOMENT, HEH! That bird is prasing his King James, today, for rescue of its' life and I know you give all the praise to your King Jesus, who first rescued you and all the rest of us who were tangled in the sting of death. WOW!
