The Journey Home

The Journey Home
Jesus is the Way Home


Saturday, April 17, 2010


I sat watching a beautiful sunset, inspired as I watched our Creator paint in living color. I wish I could have know at thirty-nine what I know now. At seventy-one I now realize the importance of taking in a sunset. Why does it take a lifetime for us to learn what is important? We give ourselves to the plastic stuff. We bow to the pressure of the expectations of others. The out of control life is not confined to the person on skid-row. To be out of control simply means we are not in control. We travel roads we were never meant to travel, take on tasks that are not ours. Looking at all the needs around us, it is so easy to pick up more than we can carry. We are not eighteen wheelers. We were not built for heavy loads. Emotionally we can’t deal with the pain of the entire world. We have become victims of our own inventions. We have expanded our reach beyond our ability to cope. We were created for community, but today our community is the world. We can see around the world any day. We can hear the cry of a child from the other side of the planet. I can leave home in the morning and have lunch in Haiti the same day. Jesus said, “My yoke is easy, my burden is light.” Now that is a life I can handle. With the help of God we must learn to live within the bounds of our creation. Think about it, how far can you see with your eyes? To the neighbors house down the road? How far can you walk in a day? How much can you hear just with your ears? Living within the bounds of my creation I don’t have the problems of the world to cope with. I once ruined a car by pulling a heavy load with it. It just wasn’t made for a heavy load. You were not made for a heavy load and the only way to deal with it is to learn to say NO. Then you will have time for a sunset. jfs

Mt 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.


  1. Thanks. You are a good shepherd for The Good Shepherd. Baa. Waiting on today's sunset. You are loved.

  2. Thanks for the reminder to lighten the load. I have a tendency to keep picking up things until I am overwhelmed. Finally, God gets my attention and says "Now that I have your attention, are you ready to drop all that stuff and walk with Me?"

  3. Thanks for the reminder to drop the burdens. I have a tendency to keep picking them up, one at time, until I am overloaded.

  4. oops. The first comment did not take until I posted the second one. Oh well. Delete one if you want.

  5. Balance is a welcomed friend when life dumps its busy work on you.
