Moses was in the wilderness, not exactly a place you would call holy. Baron land, scrubby trees, desert sand are far from what most of us think of as holy. Or we could look in another direction to large cathedrals, stain glass, painted murals. Maybe the places God considers holy is different from the places we designate as holy. I prefer to think of moments as holy rather than places. Moses moment was one of encounter with the God of the universe and he was told to take off his shoes because he was standing on holy ground. God’s presence can make any place holy. The Holy of Holies spoken of in the Old Testament was a place, but what made it Holy was the presence of God. Any place where we meet God becomes a holy moment and a special place to us. As I walked my path on a gray, cold, winter day I had one of those moments. I had been sick for several days and was looking a trip to Haiti in the face. Here I was sick, planning a trip to Haiti to care for the sick. I had been claiming the promise in Isaiah that “by His strips we are healed,” all the while blowing my nose and coughing up my toes. It was one of those moments when you wonder if there is anything to faith. As I prayed, I came to a place in the path where I sensed the presence of God. I didn’t hear any voices or see anything but trees and the path I walk almost every day, but it was such a powerful moment that I took off my shoes. It just seemed the right thing to do. As I walked away I had a new assurance that he was with me and would be with me. The coughing didn’t stop and I can’t say I felt any better physically, but it will forever be a Holy Ground moment for me.
I am reminded that Jesus said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” but that is not a promise he will blow our nose for us. I have never been to the holy ground places of the Christian faith, but I do have my own Holy Ground Moments. They don’t come as often as I would like, but when they do come they cannot be forgotten. “I am the vine and you are the branches,” says Jesus. He also says, “my father is the gardener.” This all says He is involved in our lives. Any time, any where He works in His Garden is a Holy Moment. jfs
I've stood on that Holy Ground path with you my friend and I say "Amen!" The radiance of your face as you retold me the story there was such a very sacred moment for me. Because of the glorious glow on your face, it will also forever be a holy place for me. Thanks for the new helping of "sheep food". My ribs are getting some padding now. I will sleep better tonight on a full stomach of spiritual food. Baa. Baa.
ReplyDeleteWe've not yet had the opportunity to walk your path together but I just walked it in my heart. When I read of your attention to the Spirit of God (Taking off your shoes)I was challenged and blessed in my heart. Thanks James for your friendship and love and life and testimony. You are loved!