The Journey Home

The Journey Home
Jesus is the Way Home


Sunday, December 21, 2014

"for unto YOU is born...."

God in a diaper, it is more than I can get my heart or head around.  The WORD who spoke the worlds into existence being confined to da da and ma ma leaves me speechless.  God as a six year old missing two front teeth speaking with a lisp, skipping rocks on the lake and playing hide and seek.  God with dirty fingernails catching lizards and inspecting bugs while walking barefoot in the sand.  God as a teenager noticing the pretty girls and dreaming of the future with you and me in mind.  God on a cross victimized by His own creation.  God turning suffering into victory.  Love meeting hate face to face and refusing to bow to its dark and dirty deeds.  Love so holy and pure that it purges sin and opens the door to heaven and invites us home. It is the Gift which keeps on giving.  It is the Christmas Story and I am sticking with it.  Merry Christmas to all our friends. jfs

James, Mary and Tamp

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Journey

I love this line from the life of Joseph, Gen 41:52 “….for God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction.”  God’s blessings on our lives are not dependent upon the circumstances of our lives.  What God called Joseph to be and do could not be accomplished in his homeland.  He was called to Egypt and the journey to the place of blessing was not an easy one.  We too must realize that God wants to put us in the place of being blessed and the place of blessing others.  I have learned that the journey to the place of blessing always involves suffering. Joseph refused to get in the blame game.  We too need to remember that when things go wrong it doesn’t mean God is not in control. Gen 50:20 “Even though you planned evil against me, God planned good to come out of it…..”  In your journey my friends, keep “LOOKING TO JESUS the author and finisher of your faith.”  jfs