My memory bank comes alive this time of year. Memories of grandma and grandpa MacManus warm
my heart on these cold days. Christmas
was always special to my family and most importantly it was about
relationships. Most of the gifts have
long sense been discarded, outdated
stuff, replaced by more stuff. It is not
the stuff I miss, it is the laughter around a Christmas dinner, it is the time spent by a warm fireplace
burning real wood. I wish I could hunt a
Christmas tree with grandma Mac one more time.
I wish I could go back to that old gray farm house one more time and sit
by the fire with grandpa. I would ask
him questions that only he could answer.
I would tell him I love him and appreciate all the miles he walked
behind a mule plowing and planting so we could eat. I would say thanks for all the times he cut
my hair for free and then paid me for helping him pick cotton. Memories of mom and dad and all the years we
gathered at their house and celebrated our Lord’s birth always come calling
this time of year. I appreciate the
gifts they give from a loving heart but more than ever I appreciate the
sacrifices they made to give me a better life.
When the storm blew our house down,
dad and mom built a new one with a hammer , hand saw and a few other
hand tools. He had no power tools. It was a four room house, small and not much to look at but I wish I
could spend just one more night there and wake up to a breakfast cooked by the
loving hands of my mother. Well this
could go on and on but I have said enough for now. My prayer is that this Christmas all of us
will make some good memories for our families,
memories worth reviewing for a lifetime, memories not of stuff but of
relationships and above all the memory of the greatest Gift, JESUS.
The Journey Home
Jesus is the Way Home
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
It is 4:47 in the morning and the arms of my heart reach
for the Prince of Peace, the God of all Comfort. I cannot be satisfied with knowing about Him,
I must know Him. I need the light of His Love, the Joy of His touch and the
Peace of resting in His arms. I am hungry for food from His table, no religious
snacks will do, no vending machine religion without heart or soul can quench my
thirst. I must have HIM, I cannot live
without HIM. He is the source of my strength, the hope of my future and the joy
of my life. Like my children when they
were very small who would lift there little arms toward me and say, “take you
daddy.” So this morning I lift my weary
arms toward heaven and say, “take you daddy.”
As the old gospel song says, “Oh I need you , every hour I need you.” jfs
Ps 143:6 I spread out my hands to You; My soul longs
for You like a thirsty land. Selah
Friday, July 26, 2013
Much of the time our
failure as a Christian is the failure of “being” not “doing.” If you are like me when you ask yourself, “How
can I be a better Christian,” you think of, “What do I need to do?” I guess it is natural
that when we think of growing as a Christian we think of having to do more,
strive harder, add new things to our to do list. For me this never works. I always find myself in the trap of busy-ness. If you think the path to spirituality is
work, work, work, then you need to hear the words of Jesus, "Come to Me,
all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. "Take My
yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you
will find rest for your souls. Matthew
11:28-29 (NKJV) When we try to “do” in
order to “be” we can never “do” enough.
When we focus on “being” the “doing” comes natural. Heavy loads and galling yokes never come from
Jesus. These heavy loads are often put on us by well-meaning people who want us
to do more so we will be successful in their eyes and they often use a worldly
definition of success. So what do I have
to do to be a better Christian? Work
harder? NO, Learn to Listen and Obey.
Jesus knows you were not made for heavy loads. Just focus on “being” and in “being” you will
“do” the right things. Relax, stop
letting the opinions of others plot the course of your life. It is your life and they won’t be there when
you stand before the Father. Learn to
live within the bounds of your creation.
Superman and superwoman are deceptions, stop trying to fly and walk with
the Prince of Peace. jfs
Monday, July 1, 2013
I just heard pots and pans clanging together and Mary’s
frustrated voice proclaim, “I’ve got to have some room in this kitchen!!!!!!!” I know it is not funny but I laughed anyway. She also added, “You have three shops and I
have ten feet.” Do I sense a bit of
resentment? I built the kitchen cabinets
so it must be my fault. What a joy to
live with this girl. I cherish every
moment with her. She is my best friend
and leaving her to go speak somewhere is always difficult for me. These days we are trying to make the most of
every moment together. We are realists
and know that we are nearing the end of our earthly journey. We enjoy the simple things of life, our deck,
flowers, birds, and of course Tramp. We have had an incredible journey together
and while we are very different, our differences have served us well. Now back to the subject of frustration and
how it can wrap its tentacles around our lives and leave us miserable. I get frustrated with my ADD. I can’t stay with anything for long. Studying for me has been in tidbits at all
hours of the day and night. I have notes
written on everything from napkins to paper plates and I can’t find them when I
need them. I think my greatest
frustration is with me. I keep hoping I
can do better but the guy I see in the mirror just gets older. I am dealing with some of my frustration
these days. I have decided I can’t be
like you. I can’t please everyone and
some people will never love me no matter what I do. I have decided to stop chasing success and go
for relationship building. The question
is, can I have a close relationship with Jesus and be a failure? I think
not. I will no longer let you or anyone
else define success for me. What matters most to me is that my Heavenly Father
is pleased with me. I am weary of living
by other people’s definitions and for me that has been the source of so much of
my frustration. It is His “Well Done” I
am in pursuit of and anything that takes me away from that is cause for
frustration. Don’t let the clanging of
life’s pots and pans frustrated you. It is not that important. Stick with the important stuff, stop chasing
rainbows and for goodness sake, BE YOURSELF.
1Co 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and
His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they
all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.
Friday, June 28, 2013
His Hand
I look at the clock and it is twenty-three minutes after
three a.m.. Tramp is lying by my bed and
he has had a barking dream. I drop my
hand down and comfort him. It is amazing
what a pat on the head can do. Tramp and
I are both senior citizens now. Growing old together we have become best of
friends. His eyes are fading and his
hearing is not what it once was. He stays closer than ever, often sleeping in
the doorway so I can’t leave without him knowing. I am not happy about this old age thing.
Sometimes I think of old age as a time when life slowly takes away all it has
given. I have feelings about it that I don’t have words for. I guess it depends on which way we look, looking
back life becomes about what was, looking ahead brings hope for the future--a
time when we will get rid of all the worn out parts and broken dreams, a time
of restoration and best of all reunion.
As long as we are together I will continue to offer my hand to Tramp. He needs me and I will continue to comfort
him as we make this one way journey. I
must confess, I am no thick skinned, mucho man. I cry easy, I rescue turtles
and smell flowers, I bruise easily and I don’t carry a big stick. I confess, I need my Fathers hand, without it
I can’t cope with all the loss. His hand
comforts me when I am afraid. Some of my
friends deny their fear or they live in a place I have never found. In my fears I look for the Hand which can
penetrate the darkness at three twenty three a.m. Like Tramp, I don’t want to be alone. I plan
on staying close to Him. Jfs
Ps 139:5 You have hedged me behind and before, And laid
Your hand upon me.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
God's House
God's house has arms and legs not steeples. jfs
Eph 2:22 in whom you also are being built together for a
dwelling place of God in the Spirit.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Religious Eyes
The word religious becomes less and less appealing to
me. It is such an obese term. It includes every kind of weird belief one
can imagine. My prayer this morning when
I rolled out of bed was, Lord, help me not to see you through religious
eyes. Religious eyes are eyes which often
define God in weird ways, making Him distant, aloof and cold. Religion can give
God a bad reputation because religion is about God from man’s perspective.
Jesus doesn’t invite us to religion but to relationship. Mary and I have relationship not
religion. Today I have His forgiveness
but I need more than forgiveness. I need a friend. I need someone to enjoy the
birds with me, someone to walk with me on my path in the woods, someone who
cares about butterflies and bumble bees, creeks and roses, crickets and lizards
and I have found that relationship in Jesus.
Got Religion, NO, got Relationship, YES. To Him be all glory and
praise. Jfs
“Follow Me” Jesus
Monday, March 4, 2013
Fuel Stops
We just returned from a trip where I was the speaker at
a lay retreat. What a blessing to share
truth about our journey with Christ. I
call it The Walk, the Scripture speaks again and again about our walk, it says
things like, “walk in truth”, “walk in love”, “walk in the light.” Some may think of the Christian life as a
race but not me. I embrace the idea of a walk.
You won’t find me running. On our
long journey home yesterday we made several fuel stops which reminds me that in
our walk if we don’t take time to be refueled we will wind up stranded on the
highway of life. There was one point
when we were down to less than twenty miles till empty and I got a little
uncomfortable with the thought of being stranded. Keeping fuel in your tank is important to
progress toward home. I pray that the retreat was a fuel stop for my friends who
attended and that they are walking toward home with a heart full of joy. If your spiritual tank is near empty you need
to make a fuel stop and allow our Lord to fill you again with the energy of
heaven. My prayer is that our Church Services will be Spiritual Travel Centers
where we can find strength for our journey.
You can’t go anywhere with an empty tank. Keep Walking it will be worth the Walk. jfs
1Co 2:9 But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear
heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared
for those who love Him."
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